Monday, May 7, 2012

How to Improve Windows Shutdown Speed

This trick reduces the windows XP shutdown time waits before automatically closing any running programs when you say it the command to shutdown.

Just Follow the steps below:
Go to Start then select Run
Type 'Regedit' and click ok
Find 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\'
Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'
Now select 'HungAppTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'

Now find 'HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop'
Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'
Now find 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\'
Select 'WaitToKillServiceTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'

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How to Remove Recycle bin icon From Your Desktop

If you are a person who always likes neatness particularly desktop, then here is a small easy trick for you that will simply remove the Recycle bin icon from desktop.

Follow the steps below:
start->run->gpedit.msc-> user configuration ->desktop->remove recycle bin from desktop->double click->change it not configured to enable->apply and ok.

Now come to start->run->gpupdate.exe and press enter.And restar your computer

Your recycle bin icon is hiding from desktop and if you will need to revert your settings for get that back.

After slip back setting make sure to run gpupdate.exe command.  

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Sunday, May 6, 2012

How to Download Torrent File Using IDM

Hay Friends today I am share with you an easy trick and tips to download any torrent files using Internet Download Manager (IDM).

Just follow the instructions below.

1. First you need to search for your file which you desire to download or any torrents files search engine like and search for the file which you require to download.

2. In Next Step is to take the torrent (.torrent) extension file and save it in your own pc. Now just save it on your desktop

3. Now you go to

4. After this you click on upload and upload the torrent file that you require to download before in step 1.

5. After uploading it and click on go button

6. Now you wait for a moment till is caching the torrent file. Kindly be patient at this step as it may obtain some time depending upon the size of your torrent file and speed of your internet connection.

7. Now your files will be ready for download and you can click on download button in the form of and arrow going in the down direction so that your files start downloading with idm.

Last Step - After a window will ask you that you want to download free or premium. Now it's according on your choice. Mostly perhaps go for free. So click on free button and idm download will pop up and you’re downloading starts.

Enjoy Guys.

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How to See Windows Product key

There are two ways to see your windows product key. 

To see the first way, open Registry by going to START>RUN and entering REGEDIT and Navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion]

In right pane, look for key by the name "ProductId". This is your Windows Product Id.

Second Way:


And still find same field with the name ProductId.

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

How to Windows Menus Load Faster

This is one of my tricks as it makes a huge difference to how fast your Windows will 'feel'. What this trick does is remove the slight delay between clicking on a menu and XP displaying the menu.

Go to Start then Run
Type 'Regedit' then click 'Ok'
Find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\"
Select "MenuShowDelay"
Right click and select "Modify'
Reduce the number to around "100"
This is the delay time before a menu is opened. You can set it to "0" but it can make windows in fact hard to use as menus will open if you now look at them - well be in motion your mouse over them anyway. I tend to go for anywhere between 50-150 depending on my mood.

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Free Download EM Total Video Converter HD 3.71 + Keygen

Total Video Converter is a very helpfull software for converting every audio or video file . if you have make use of this software then you can convert media file in high speed .

Total video converter is a very simple to use . i have used this software for converting any video formats so today i will recommend you to use this software.


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How to improve youtube speed or performance

Hy Friends! today i will tell you how can you boost youtube performance in firefox or in other browsers like as internet explorer , Opera ,Safari etc. So guys track the given below steps for doing this ...

1. First you open firefox browser and in the adress bar type  "about:config" And press enter.

2. When you will press enter then you will see warning message , Just you discount it  and clickon I'll be careful, I promise.

3. Then in the filter text entry bar, type "browser.sessionstore.interval"


Just Double click on it and modify its value to 120000.

 Speedbit Video Accelerator Software to Boost youtube performance in all other browsers:- 

             Download Here  

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How to Hack Facebook Account or Password really Free

Hello friends today I will tell you a facebook account hacking method which work’s certainly above 80% chances. Here we are trying to Phishing the facebook website all the way through email. It’s just known as Smart Phishing with Email Trap.

This smart phishing is nearly undeletable because we send HTML mails to the victim with similar header as that of original mails by email address that looks related to original one. And ask user to join some Group or watch video or read comment etc.. So it’s quite easier to utilize fact.

Here are the steps for Hack Facebook Passwords or Accounts?

Step 1.First you have to download the Facebook phisher.


Step 2. Then Extract the rar file now you will get two files as given below:

• index.html

• write.php

Step 3. Now upload all the two files in any free webhosting server because as its cast free. No one wants to spend money for hacking. On these servers try the username as earlier to original URL like faccbook or fecabook etc.

Step 4. You now have done upload and at this time you have to send these to your victim. Now you reach most main step of smart email phishing.

Here is some sample for your superior understand

This the example email that comes to your email account since facebook.

Now you have to edit this mail. Open this email and click on forward now you will see this email in editable mode now delete the forwarded headers etc and forward from Header.

Keep in mind your Name in Gmail must be Facebook and email account should be like etc… Now you have to put the Fake link of index.html file which you have get after uploading in a web hosting server in place of Two utilize points. Mind it always put link in href and original text should be as such. And also try to keep the link as much as closer to facebook original link.

Step 5. Now sending phisher to victim, once the user logs in to his Facebook account by your Phisher, his user ID and password are saving in our hosting folder as a text file..And these are stored in passes.txt what you have to do is just refresh your Web hosting account files.

Step 6. And that file will contain the passwords and look like this:

 Any issue Leave Comments and Join Site before leaving any comment.
I Will not Responsible If you Misuse This Hacking Tips

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How to Disable Autorun CD/DVD or USB drive

Today I will tell you That How to Disable Autorun CD/DVD or USB drive.   Well, this is one of my most recommended and favourite computer tricks. What this little trick does is, it simply makes you to disable Autorun of any removable drives such as cd, dvd, Pen drives etc.

     You may have noticed frequently that, when ever you connect your USB into the Usb port or when you put in a cd or DVD into the cd/Dvd rom drive, Auto play option automatically gets executed.

It is very unsafe to allow any drive autoplay on its own, particularly Usb drives. Because, along with Autorun files, USB drives containing virus also gets executed resulting your computer affected by virus or Trojan horses.

So this trick goes this way.

Disable CD Autorun

1) Click Start, Run and enter GPEDIT.MSC
2) Go to Computer Configuration, then-> Administrative Templates,

---> System.
3) Set the entry for Turn autoplay off. Double click on it

4) Click on Enable.

5) Select All Drives to disable all drives including Usb drives or only Cd Rom drive.

6) Now click on apply.

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Monday, April 30, 2012

How to Remove shortcut arrow of desktop icons

Today I will tell you how you can remove shortcut sign from your desktop icon.When you use shortcuts on desktop for your often used files or movies it is unattractive to see a small Shortcut arrow at the bottom corner of the Shortcut icon.

 Here's how you can take away those shortcut arrows from your desktop icons in Windows XP.

1. Start regedit i.e.; Start->Run->regedit

2. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile

             If you find hard in reaching this file location, simply Press Ctrl+F to open find window. Enter "IsShortcut" and click find. Now Press f3 till you get the file Inkfile located at Hkey_Classes_Root\Inkfile

3. Erase the IsShortcut registry value.

You possibly will need to restart Windows XP.

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

How to Make Autorun File For Your Any Cd

When you put in any game 0r software cd, or simply think Windows Xp Operating system cd. As quickly as You Insert the disk in CD-ROM, It automatically runs the cd.

If you desire to make an autorun file for that CD you are prepared to burn just read this...

1) You open notepad
2) Now you writ: [autorun]

Now save it but not as a .txt file but as a .inf file.

But keep in mind! The "Setup_filename.EXE" MUST be replaced with the name of the setup file. And you also require to rember that it is not all of the setup files there are called '.exe but some are called '.msi

3) Now burn your CD with the autorun .inf file included.

4) Now set the CD in you CD drive and wait for the autorun to begin or if not anything happens just double-click on the CD drive in "This Computer"

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

How to stop Windows Restart Process Quickly!

Some times we require stopping some restart process speedily. In windows XP some times it gives auto restart warning and here is excellent solution for it.

Follow the steps below:
1. Go to Start menu
2. Click on RUN
3. Enter the following command excluding hash codes "shutdown -a"

it’s done.

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How To Windows xp Boot Fast

Today I will tell you how you can boot windows xp fast

Just follow the instructions to get access:

1. Open notepad.exe, type "del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.* /q" (without the quotes) & save   
     as "ntosboot.bat" in c:\
2. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "gpedit.msc".
3. Double click "Windows Settings" under "Computer Configuration" and double click again on  
    "Shutdown" in the right window.
4. In the new window, click "add", "Browse", locate your "ntosboot.bat" file & click "Open".
5. Click "OK", "Apply" & "OK" once again to exit.
6. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "devmgmt.msc".
7. Double click on "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"
8. Right click on "Primary IDE Channel" and select "Properties".
9. Select the "Advanced Settings" tab then on the device or 1 that doesn't have 'device type' 
    greyed out select 'none' instead of 'autodetect' & click "OK".
10. Right click on "Secondary IDE channel", select "Properties" and repeat step 9.
11. Reboot your computer.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to Improve Firefox Speed Manually

With this trick how to Improve Firefox Speed Manually you can improve the speed & load time of Firefox. And you will be capable to surf faster.

Type about:config in the address bar, then look for the following entries, and make the related changes.
network.http.max-connections-per-server =32
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy =16
network.http.max-connections = 64
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server = 10
network.http.pipelining = true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests = 200
network.http.request.max-start-delay = 0
network.http.proxy.pipelining = true
network.http.proxy.version = 1.0

lastly right-click anywhere and select New- Integer. Name it nglayout.initialpaint.delay and set its value to 0. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives. 

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How To Hack Tata Docomo Free Gprs Unlimited Internet

Today I will tell you How To Hack Tata Docomo Free Gprs Unlimited Internet. 

TATA DOCOMO provide us the best GSM mobile package from its entry, cheapest prepaid tariffs with 1 second with rate. If you are a Tata Docomo user, then you have amazing to cheer about. They have launched two Unlimited GPRS procedure for prepaid users, and you don’t have to give a single paisa once you activate this GPRS H*ck. To access free internet on Tata docomo mobile service, you need to download opera mini mobile browser and configure it as follows
Here Steps for Free GPRS on TATA Docomo:
1. In the operator’s menu goto custom1
2. In the Proxy option check “http”
3. In Proxy Server, type and leave everything     
    else as it is
4. Now initialize using Default APN-
5. To access Free GPRS keep your account balance below 30 paise
6. Now download unlimited songs and pictures on your mobile.

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Monday, April 23, 2012

How To Hack Windows Administrator Password In Safe Mode

May you try using someone’s computer when they said you couldn’t? And you cannot able to log in because they have a password? Below is the step by step method where you can log in to machine

Just in case anybody is confused:

You’re Account Name – the account name you desire to have
Victim Account Name – the account name of which you desire to change the password.

Step 1:
Reboot the computer, and when it boots back up tap then press f8 key a few times to go to a menu that asks about safe mode.

Step 2:
Choose safe mode with Command Prompt. It must load into safe mode allowing you to use CMD.

Step 3:
Now what you require to do is type this command:
Net user YourAccountName localgroup administrators /add
NOTE: What this does is make the account in the administrators group. =)

Step 4:
Now type
Shutdown -r -t 1
NOTE: this restarts the computer. Then log in with your just now created account.

One more way to do this is to do the similar thing as earlier and boot into safe mode with command prompt.
Type this:
Net user VictimAccountName *
You have to see this output
Please enter a new password:
Please Confirm new Password:
To add your account to the admin panel type this: net localgroup administrator “username” /add
This takes the account specified and changes the password to what you want.
Be careful as entering the password doesn’t show anything.
Please drop a comment if this doesn’t works. Leave me some Feedback. =)

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

How to hack windows 7,windows vista or winsows xp password

There is only one change is necessary to do. For example you have to desire the correct Rainbow table corresponding to the Operating system that you are available to hack.

You can download all type of rainbow table from here:- Click here

Hack Windows XP

If you wants to hack the windows xp accounts (usually admin) password. Then you need to download the XP free fast (703MB) rainbow table.

Hack Windows 7 or Windows vista

We all are familiar with windows 7 is upgraded version of Vista. So the same rainbow table is used. (Because same type of Hash code created by both).
So you need to download the Vistafree (461MB) rainbow table.

How ophcrack tool impressed me?

Just I have tested this tool in my system. In order to test this tool, I produce new account with "admin123" password. When I click the crack button, I got the password in seconds. I know this is weak password. So I thinking it is not big matter to crack this silly password.

But when I struggle with my friends system, I am in fact impressed. Do you know that why? Because He put the strong password for his windows 7 operating system (a password with upper&lower case mixture, Special character, numbers). Because the ophcrack take less than 1 seconds to crack this password. It is so attractive how the create this wonderful software.  

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Latest Shortcut keys For Facebook

Latest Shortcut facebook keys For Mozilla And internet Explorer Browser . When you make use of your facebook account at that moment use these shortcut keys of facebook .

That's It Now You are done

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

How To IDM Crack in Full Version Free

1. First You Download IDM Cracker Tool.

2. Now Run IDM Cracker Tool

3. Now if you Wish to install the New version of idm then first you Require to hit on the update button and your idm will be automatically updates in to the latest version .

4. Next Your IDM is Updates To The Latest Version . Now You Hit on the start button and it will start cracking to the idm software within some seconds . and now your idm make in full version .

That's All Now you are done.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

How To Access Internet Without Any Browser

Now we are going to explain you how to access internet without  Any browser in windows now follow the given below steps for do this.

1. First Open Calculator START/Program files/Accessories/Calculator or press windows+R And Type calc in the Run Box then click on ok button.

2. now in calculator go to help/help topics

3. Right click on the left hand part of the title bar and click on JUMP TO URL

4. Type in The URL And Make clear in your mind include the http:// at the beginning.

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How To Increase internet speed free

How To Speed up your internet Free MS. reserves 20% of your available bandwidth for your own purposes as Windows Updates & interrogating your PC etc

You can get back it:

Click On Start Button then Run & type "gpedit.msc" without quotes. This opens the group owner editor.

Then you go to:
-- Local Computer Owner
-- Computer Configuration
-- Administrative Templates

-- Network

-- QOS Packet Scheduler

-- Limit Reservable Bandwidth.

Double-click on Limit Reservable bandwidth.

 May It will say that it is not configured, but the truth is on the 'Explain' tab i.e." By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the technique to twenty percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default."
So the trick is to ENABLE reservable bandwidth, then set it to ZERO. This will permit the technique to reserve nothing, than the default 20%.It works on Win 2000 as well.

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Monday, April 16, 2012

How To Install All Driver In One Click With One Exe File

Here You can install your all computer drivers in now One Click

It is very simple to get backup and restoration of your computer drivers :

For this purpose a software with the name of DOUBLE DRIVER is used for take backup and save your drivers in one setup file

First Download This from here:

•    DOWNLOAD  | 1.3 MB

Follow The Steps:
Open The “dd.exe”
Click on Scan Button
Click on Backup
Select The destination folder where you want to save the file
Select “Single file self extracted”
Click On Ok
In future when you will be needed you can open the exe file and restore the all drivers in one click

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

How to Login In Yahoo Messenger with multi Id

Now You can Login other Than one Id with Yahoo Messenger by this trick.
Just Follow Below Steps

1.   Go to Start Menu
2.   Open Run
3.   Type “regedit”
4.   Press Enter
6.   Go to “Software”
7.   Select “Yahoo”
8.   Select “pager”
9.   Select “Test” 
10. On the right pane
11. Right-click and select new “Dword value”
12. Rename it as Plural.
13. Double click and assign a decimal value of 1.
14. Then Exit Your registry Editor
15.  Restart yahoo messenger.
16.  For signing in with new id open another messenger
17.  If you want to open new id then open new yahoo messenger

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How To Remove Autorun virus using CMD

Describe an easy way to remove Autorun.inf virus software with Autorun.inf eater. Removing Autorun.inf is helpful only if the computer you are using is clean, otherwise the autorun.inf will simply spring up back.

Use cmd remove Autorun.inf virus from the system and removable drives

One way

Open a command prompt (cmd) and type the following:

 del / a: right side [Drive Letter]: autorun.inf

Simply change [Drive Letter] in your drive. If the virus on the disk D command

del / a: right side D: autorun.inf

Restart the computer and Finish.

The second method

Commonly updating Windows Explorer virus bounded process restores the file. This file is attached to many events counting Windows Explorer open, restore, etc.
You must close the open Windows Explorer.
First Open a command prompt (eg cmd.exe)>> download it go to Run, type cmd, enter.
Second Now remove the virus characteristics (remove, type the following line by line and finish them by pressing ENTER.
F: attrib-r-s-h *.*
If there are any malicious EXE file, now you see, so if it is to remove unnecessary too.
F: del autorun.inf

3rd After completion of the above, quickly take out the pendrive as soon as possible (only after using del).

4th pen is now free config virus activation. file. Now you can safely remove unwanted exe file.
The third way

Download here Flash_Disinfector.exe and save it to your desktop.
Double Flash_Disinfector.exe run it and follow the information that may appear.
The tool may ask you to place in the flash drive and / or other removable drives counting your mobile phone.

Do this and let the utility to fresh the drives as well.
Wait until it finishes scanning and then exit.
Restart the computer after completion.
Note: Flash Disinfector delete all autorun.inf files, make a hidden folder named autorun.inf in every one partition and every USB drive linked when you start it. Do not delete this folder. This will protect the discs against possible infection.

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

How To Disable facebook Timeline Easily

Today i am going to show you how can you remove facebook timeline from your facebook profile . i mean how to get old facebook profile look easliy .

1.  Timeline Remove Extension For Google Chrome - For Get Click Here

2. Timeline Remove Extension For Mozilla Firefox - For Get Click Here 

That's it Now You Are ready. When you will attach these extenshion install in Your Own Browser Then you Will Automatically Get Remove Facebook Timeline And You Will obtain Old Facebook Layout Easily.

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How To Enable Right Click on Disabled Blog Or Website in Firefox

Friends today i am provide you an amazing tool which tool help out you enable right click on disabled any websites or blog in your firefox browser easily .

Trick To Enable Right Click On Disabled Website :-

1. First You require To install web developer 1.1.9 Firefox Add-on

2. So Click Here For Install Web Developer 1.1.9

3. Into Next Step Go To Disable in that case Disable Java Script And Then Choose All Java Script .

That's It Now You Are Done .

Hope You find this trick very helpful for you .

And Please Don't forget to share this trick with your friends on Social Networking Website  :)

How To increase FireFox Browsing Speed by SpeedyFox Increase Mozilla

I expect you are all right . Today i am going to tell you how can you increase Mozilla Firefox browsing speed by speedy-fox or how to optimize Firefox . So Just Follow Some Below Given Steps For Do This.

How To Increase Speed:

1. First You require To Download Speedyfox So Click Here For Download Speedyfox.

2. Now Run It

3. Now Firefox must Be Closed .

4. Now it will run it's procedure will complete in few seconds and give you success

 Message Like Above Images in 3rd step.

5. That's It Now Just Enjoy Faster Firefox Speed :)

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Networkin Website as Facebook , Twitter etc .

Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to compress Data 1 Gb to just 10 mb

Our hard disk runs absent of space and we have to remove some data or the other for no cause. Even I used to face the problem for a moment back in history and by doing some study on the topic; I actually found a working and an amazing way to save my hard disk space.

How useful is it?

Well by this method I converted NFS UNDERGROUND 2 which is to some extent around 2 GB tb 21 Mb. And same is the case with the whole thing important I wanted to save.

How did I make it?

You are just on to know… Read on.

I use software named KGB Archiver.

About KGB Archiver: KGB Archiver , an open source compression tool like 7zip and UHARC with an extremely high compression rate .It uses AES-256 encryption (one of the strongest encryption known for man) to encrypt archives . The unacceptable thing with KGB Archiver is due to its high compression rate its least hardware requirement is high (recommend processor with 1,5GHz clock and 256MB of RAM) and compression and decompression process is time intense.

Its strength: Very high compression power with very exact results and no loss of data.

Its weakness: Due to high compression, the time required to compress and decompress the file is high. High system requirement

From somewhere can you download this software?

Find out Hacking has before now done that for you. Just click on the link given to Download KGB Archiver for free.

Click Here to Download KGB Archiver for free.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How To Make Your Own Search In Engine

There are many site on the Internet which do not provide you search engine like but you can easily make a search engine for a particular website.

                 1.Go to
                 2.If you want to make search engine for then in serach bar type.
                                                type your content

i.e:- If you want to search Health tips in then type like this.
                                                  health tips 

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How to Move sidebar from Right to Left

At Sometime user interested to change the side of sidebar but they find difficulty in doing so.Now You can easily do this work without changing the code.
                   >Go to Blogger Dashboard.
                   >Design / Template Designer.
                   >Go to Layout
simple select sidebar that you want to use in your Template.

How to Install Windows Xp in 20min its amazing..

Always when you need to install windows xp every time you need at least 45 minutes to install windows xp. But with this trick you can install your windows xp in just 20 minutes.

Just read below steps:

Insert windows xp cd in cd room and boot from it.
After copying the files and formatting the partition C and other your choice and rebooting after the  proccess.
After rebooting, you will seen a screen where it takes round about 40 minutes to complete
Now press SHIFT + F10
This will Open CMD
Type taskmgr  in CMD
Click the Process Tab
Right Click on Setup.exe -> Set Priority -> Select High or Above Normal. Initially it will be Normal.
Now you are done..............

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How to Save Your PC Using a USB Or Other Flash Drive

Now you can protect you PC by using a USB flash drive. This is feasible due to a great program called Predator. Predator locks your PC when you are away, even if your Windows session is still opened. It makes use of the USB flash drive as an access point. Using the program is  simple.

 Using Predator:

To start with insert the USB drive.

Then run Predator Application.

Now do your work.

When you require to leave the computer for some other work remove the USB drive. One time it is removed, the keyboard & mouse are disabled & the screen darkens.

When you return back to your PC, you put the USB flash drive in place & keyboard & mouse are immediately released, & the display is restored.
Features of Predator:
Predator is available in both free and professional versions.

Predator can send alert messages by Email or by SMS.

Predator records all security-related events in a log file: start, alarms, stop. By reading this log, you will know if intruders have tried to use your computer while you have been away.

Predator frequently changes the security codes recorded on your USB drive. If an intruder manages to copy your stick, this copy will not work because the codes on your own stick will have changed in the meantime.

Predator disables the Windows task manager when you unplug the USB drive. Nobody can stop it with Ctrl-Alt-Del.

Predator disables the CD Autorun feature in Windows, to prevent intruders from running malware on specially crafted CDs.

Predator lets you regain control of your computer if you lose your stick: when you start the software for the first time, you set a password that will unlock your session if your USB drive is not available.

Predator can sound an audible alarm if somebody enters an invalid password.

And finally, Predator can protect several PCs with the same USB flash drive, e.g. your home and office computers.

Download Predator From Here.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

How To Make Free Calls Per Day Anywhere in The World

Now you can Make two Free Calls Per Day Anywhere in The World. Yes you read it correct! two Free calls per day anywhere in the world. You can do this by using EvaPhone. EvaPhone provides Web phone calls at no cost. They let you make PC-to-phone free international calls. All you need is a computer to start making free VoIP calls using Web to phone.
You Can Use these Free calls to call any number around the globe but for 1minute. Although Time period is one minute per call but I guess its nice opportunity for individuals who require to call others by some international numbers & play a joke on their friends. Share your views about it. Also share about any pranks you plan to play together with your friends using it.

 I hope you enjoyed this tricks .

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

How To Refresh Your Blog Automatically or Website

1.Login to your blogger dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML

2.Scroll down to where you see <head> tag .

3.Copy below code and paste it just after the <head> tag.


<meta HTTP-EQUIV='refresh' content='15;URL='/>


Note: Replace with your blog or website URL.

    15 is the time period between 2 page refresh.Change it as your choice.

4.Now save your template and you are done.


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How to Improve Your Blog Loading Speed 7 Ways

Loading time of your net site or weblog is of the important factors influencing search engine optimization, which when is slow could take the reader away from your net site and move onto the next, thus indirectly affecting your page rating as well. A quantity of the factors affecting the loading speed are the presence of Java Scripts and the dearth of use of web-optimized images.

Follow the tips and tricks discussed here for improving the loading time of your web or blog.

1. Cache your pages:

Caching is one of the simple things, which you can do in ease, despite sounding technical it is very essential and crucial in enhancing the user experience. Word Press have a number of caching Plugins, which includes WP Super Cache and W3 total cache. W3 total cache has been most highly recommended for those using content delivery network (CDN) and CDN has an in-built option to activate automatically.

2. Compress HTML, CSS and JavaScript:

This is one of the best ways to reduce your blog loading speed and these are the culprits that make your blog load slowly and test your patience. Compression of Java Script and CSS has proved to reduce the loading time of your blog or website, and the best way to do this, if you are using Word Press is to use WP Unify plug-in.

3. Host your blog on a good and reliable website:

If you are thinking that you are wasting money on a good web-hosting domain then you are wrong. The use of cheaper hosting domains can cause frequent failures, which might be discouraging and reduce the performance of your blog causing you to lose regular visitors. Therefore, this is advisable, especially for a new blogger or a webmaster to go for some of the popular web hosting domains like Host gator, especially if you are using WordPress.

 4. Optimize WordPress Images:

The time taken for a blog to load turns out to be longer than you would have thought of while using the image. However, many a times you will not feel like deserting some images that looks great on your blog or website. In such cases, it is best to optimize the images for your website and use some image editing tools or software's like Adobe Photoshop to make the images much more web-friendly. If you are finding Photoshop a bit daunting, then there is automatic online image compression software called, which is worth a try.

5. Avoid too many plug-ins:
There is a number of plug-ins in WordPress which may be tempting for you to use them in your WordPress blog or website. However, this is always good to keep the use of WordPress plug-ins to the minimal amount, and by choosing plug-ins that will suit more than one of your needs than choosing separate plug-in for each of your requirement. The lesser the plug-ins the lesser the loading speed of your website or blog.

6. Optimize website database:

This is one of the difficult things that you will be doing for reducing the loading time of your website or blog. One of the best ways to do this is not manually, as you may land up frequently with the following error, “database connection error”, even if you are making the smallest of the mistake. So one of the best things to do is to use the Word Press plug-in WP-Optimize, which does the job automatically without any errors.

7. Use content delivery network (CDN):

This helps to enhance the blog load time that this stores all the static pages onto their servers, and when any visitor comes to visit your website the blog content is served from the server of CDN. This also decreases the bandwidth usage of your current host, and Max CDN has been recommended to be the most affordable until to date.

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How to Make Your Computer Speak Whatever You Type

Now you can convert your computer in to a text to voice application. You can make your computer speak whatever you type. For this you don't need any programming knowledge, You can accomplish this by a simple trick. follow the steps given below to make your computer speak whatever you type :

Step 1 : Open a notepad and cope and paste the code given below.

    Dim message, sapi
    message=InputBox(“Type the text which you want me to speak”,”Text To Voice Software”)
    Set sapi=CreateObject(“sapi.spvoice”) 

    sapi.Speak message

Step 2 : Save The notepad file as speak.vbs (you can save it with any name but extension should be .vbs).

Step 3 : Now double click on the file and type in the box whatever you want the computer to speak and click ok.

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How to Test the Working of your Antivirus

Most of us always think about the best antivirus for our computer. But sometimes the antivirus might not be working well or correctly. Sometimes you wan to check the working of your antivirus but the query is how to check whether the antivirus is working correctly or not. Today I am going to tell you about a small check which can be used by users to check the working of your antivrus program. The check is called as EICAR check which can be used to check any antivirus and was developed by European Institute of Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR). So now you don't require a computer virus to check the working of your antivirus you can simple do so by following the steps given below.
1. First of all open a notepad and copy the following code into the notepad and save it as       
2. Rename the file from New Text Document.TXT to
3. Now run the antivirus scan on this file.

If the antivirus is working correctly then it ought to give a warning or alert and delete the file immediately. If no such warning or alert message is displayed then you either need to re-install your antivirus or modify the antivirus. Important thing to note here is that most of the antivirus will display a warning message in step one itself and will remove the file.

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How to increase Torrent Speed 7 Ways

The use of Bit Torrent is an efficient way to transfer files of any size quickly and effectively. How this works is by breaking the sizable files in to smaller pieces and is from or lots of of the different sources. This is of the best ways to transfer bulky files quickly even when you are using a low bandwidth connection. There's lots of more things that you can do with Bit Torrent, but here they are going to speak about how to make this work much faster.
Here are some essential tips for the same,

  Start along with your ISP:

All ISP has a preset maximum upload and download speed, and you cannot make your torrent work beyond this speed. All you can do is to make use of the best use of this upload and download speed even when the signal is weak. You can check the maximum speed that you can accomplish by conducting a broadband speed check and compare with the DSLReports that comes along with your torrent.

  Opt-In for healthy seeds and peers:

A peer is any computer participating      in downloading and uploading of torrent files along with that of yours. A seeder is who has a complete copy of the file that is being shared across a torrent network. A lecher is the who has joined the network recently and do not have most of the file that you or the peer has. This lecher becomes the seeder when they download the whole file and can share it across the network. For getting high torrent speed, you require to increase the number of seeders to increase the chance of healthier and reception of higher speeds.

  Get through the firewall:

Plenty of times, you will find the administrator or the firewall in your web browser is set to block and get torrent files. The first thing that you require to do is to get appropriate permissions for downloading torrent files, and add this to your firewall, which will enhance the speed at which you can download torrent files. If the web is through a router, then you require to set the torrent file to cross the barrier of the security of the router also.

 Go to a different port:

The default port for Bit Torrent protocol is always between the numbers 6881-6999. This is because Bit Torrent sharing will involve high bandwidth usage. However, this is feasible that you can configure a different port for your torrent client and this has been best advised to set this number to somewhere around 10000.
 Limit your upload rate:
A peer to peer network is sharing similar on the same or similar platform and therefore you ought to be able to set your clients upload speed rate to a maximum amount, which will usually be about 80 percent of your maximum upload speed that is being offered by your ISP. Keep this speed, as high as feasible, but you require to play your cards well as the upload speed affects your download speed as well. 

  Use your common sense:

In the event you understand the idea of how Bit Torrent works, then your common sense will automatically tell you that this is feasible to view the individual files being downloaded and disable the ones that you are not in require off, which will help you to speed up the technique of downloading the files using Bit Torrent.

 Bandwidth and connections:

Now is that you have some tips on how to increase the speed of downloading while using Bit Torrent, why not try these tips out next time! Comments are appreciated!!

This is feasible to set the maximum number of connections, maximum number of peers connected per torrent and number of slots per torrent so that you can settle on which numbers gives the maximum efficiency from your Bit Torrent files.

Now is that you have some tips on how to increase the speed of downloading while using Bit Torrent, why not try these tips out next time! Comments are appreciated!!

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