Sunday, April 22, 2012

How to hack windows 7,windows vista or winsows xp password

There is only one change is necessary to do. For example you have to desire the correct Rainbow table corresponding to the Operating system that you are available to hack.

You can download all type of rainbow table from here:- Click here

Hack Windows XP

If you wants to hack the windows xp accounts (usually admin) password. Then you need to download the XP free fast (703MB) rainbow table.

Hack Windows 7 or Windows vista

We all are familiar with windows 7 is upgraded version of Vista. So the same rainbow table is used. (Because same type of Hash code created by both).
So you need to download the Vistafree (461MB) rainbow table.

How ophcrack tool impressed me?

Just I have tested this tool in my system. In order to test this tool, I produce new account with "admin123" password. When I click the crack button, I got the password in seconds. I know this is weak password. So I thinking it is not big matter to crack this silly password.

But when I struggle with my friends system, I am in fact impressed. Do you know that why? Because He put the strong password for his windows 7 operating system (a password with upper&lower case mixture, Special character, numbers). Because the ophcrack take less than 1 seconds to crack this password. It is so attractive how the create this wonderful software.  

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