Monday, April 23, 2012

How To Hack Windows Administrator Password In Safe Mode

May you try using someone’s computer when they said you couldn’t? And you cannot able to log in because they have a password? Below is the step by step method where you can log in to machine

Just in case anybody is confused:

You’re Account Name – the account name you desire to have
Victim Account Name – the account name of which you desire to change the password.

Step 1:
Reboot the computer, and when it boots back up tap then press f8 key a few times to go to a menu that asks about safe mode.

Step 2:
Choose safe mode with Command Prompt. It must load into safe mode allowing you to use CMD.

Step 3:
Now what you require to do is type this command:
Net user YourAccountName localgroup administrators /add
NOTE: What this does is make the account in the administrators group. =)

Step 4:
Now type
Shutdown -r -t 1
NOTE: this restarts the computer. Then log in with your just now created account.

One more way to do this is to do the similar thing as earlier and boot into safe mode with command prompt.
Type this:
Net user VictimAccountName *
You have to see this output
Please enter a new password:
Please Confirm new Password:
To add your account to the admin panel type this: net localgroup administrator “username” /add
This takes the account specified and changes the password to what you want.
Be careful as entering the password doesn’t show anything.
Please drop a comment if this doesn’t works. Leave me some Feedback. =)

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